A Touch of Love Works blessed hundreds of lives in December through targeted donation drives. First, we conducted a community clothing drive. After the tireless efforts of volunteers plus several hours and countless quarters in the laundromat, we delivered over 500 pounds of gently used clothing to our partner, Laura’s House in Aliso Viejo!
At Christmastime, we usually assemble Blessing Boxes for delivery in and around the Courtyard Shelter in Santa Ana. COVID-19 restrictions made that difficult, but we didn’t want our brothers and sisters experiencing homelessness to feel forgotten during the holidays. With the help of a generous band of neighbors in Melinda Heights and the Altisima and Tijeras Canyon wards of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, all located in Rancho Santa Margarita, we assembled and delivered over 100 brand new stuffed backpacks! Each was filled with essentials like water bottles, flashlights, new clothes, and some small luxuries like puzzle books and nail polish. It took the generosity of many souls, plus some creative planning and a socially distanced drive through assembly events, but it was a delight to watch the pile grow with each new backpack assembled with love!